Saturday, February 6, 2010

Feb 2-7.2010 ( char-char days.)

Feb 2-7, 2010 char char days. I don't know why I call it char char, gusto ko lang. Anywayz, what happen to me these couple days? Well, I don't; know! Just usual everyday routine. But their is one thing we always do in school every after last period, its PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!. We've been practicing for our speech choir this coming feb. 9, I think, I'm not sure of the date but It will going to be this week. It is for welcoming the regional director. I'm pretty tired, but it is always worth it.
Last Feb 3 I encoded my "diary" here in my blog, it was pretty long enough to save it, I think it was consist of 3-4 paragraphs. But in the middle of my thinking and encoding, the screen went black. it turned off. I was sooo angry ,that I didn't encode again my diary. I think the virus was behind those insane things, maybe one of these days I'm gonna ask someone to fix the computer, but not know I'm to busy....=))
Feb 5 was the provincial meet held in the oval, there were no class for the rest for he school but the I-Fleming was in their classroom cleaning. We thought Ma'am Irong was going to coduct her class so we just decided to clean the room before she conduct her class. But good thing, Ma'am said that we can watch the opening program in the oval and so we did. Who would want to to sit down in the classroom answering some activities while other students was their having fun? Not me.
Yesterday, me and my classmates were in the beach. I don't know what got into them that they decided that we go to the beach. Well our plan was 6 in the morning so I woke up 6:10. I went to Mabua 6: 30. When I got their none of my classmates were their. Do I decided to wait for couple of minutes, but nobody came. So I decided to go home, since there were no tricycle i that time, I walked. When I was on the highway, Ara saw me and I got to their car and we drove to some of our classmate's house.And when everybody was their, we decided to go to the beach!...! And that's waht happened to me yesterday... Dat's all BOW.. =))

Monday, February 1, 2010

A day to remember( not really). :))

February 1, 2010. 1st day of the so called Month of hearts, Valentines Day..Well, I don't have my Valentine and not planning to have one. Anywayz, my day started as the usual, typical boring days that I always have, take a bath, eat, go to school. Just like that, as usual. Well, I go to school in a lazy Monday morning late, again, as usual. But the good thing is we have our Flag ceremony after weeks without having one. Well, 7:30-9:00 Gen Sci with Ma'am Irong and we are having simple machines and I have again stage fright, with all those eyes staring, listening, watching,scary. Well good thing I finished reporting in front without throwing up my breakfast. After, i was soo scary coz' I didn't memorize The Preamble good thing Ma'am Ajos was pretty busy all the week(wohoo!), maybe because of the election coming up, I think.My morning ended up without Ma'am Isidro but his practice teacher was their having reading comprehension.
Afternoon. Sir. Alima wasn't their( hi Sir.!) and we thought Earth Sci and Mape was the only subject that we are having that afternun but Sir. Dimacuha conducted his class, Math. The subject that I'm pretty dum at. But it turns up well. Then the afternoon continued with Earth Sci and Mape with the continuation of our reporting and at last I'm going home! HOME!HOME!HOME! I was pretty excited going home and I don't know why. Well I got home riding the tricycle with Queenie and Angelea because they are going to Sarah Cake to buy a cake for Shanna , it was her B-day. ( Happi Bday!) After that, I'm in front of the computer, facebook, farmville. My everyday routine. And I remembered that I'm going to write in my blog. And now, I'm writing it. That's my Feb 1,2010 day. That's all Tanchoo...tomorrow na lang...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tips on how to save money!

Yes, here are some of our tips. A project for T. L.e by Blanche, me and Angelica.

  • Save Money Tip 1
  • Spend Less. This is not over simplifying the best way to save money! It is essential if you are serious about being a long term money saver. Review what you spend and look at ways you can save money. Consider making telephone calls for instance only at off-peak times. Do you really need to have newspapers and magazines delivered? Can you do without those coffees you buy at break time everyday - would a flask of coffee taken to work save you money? What about using the public lending library instead of buying books or music CDs? Once you start looking for ways to spend less you will quickly become an expert and really save money.

  • Save Money Tip 2
  • Establish a personal budget. This is essential for families and individuals. You will not be able to save money unless you know how much money you have coming in, and how much money you have going out. Once you have prepared a budget of incoming money and outgoing money, you will be able to identify areas where you can save. It is MUCH more difficult to save money over a long period of time (the rest of your life?) without a budget.

  • Save Money Tip 3
  • Bulk is good. Think about shopping and buying in bulk. You can also save money by cooking in bulk. This is a real way you can save money with little preparation and almost no extra outlay. Always purchase generics when you can. Prepared foods and convenience foods will always be much more expensive than the generic ingredients needed to make the food. Preparing food in bulk and in advance also gives you the opportunity to plan ahead and be more accurate in your budget. Save Money by buying in bulk whenever you can. One thing to be aware of when buying in bulk is to be sure that any product you buy will get used before it goes bad - you won't save money if you have to throw stuff away. Buying in bulk is not only a good way to save money it is also a good strategy for coping with and surviving emergencies.

  • Save Money Tip 4
  • Make sure a sale is a sale. By this I mean do your price research before you commit to making an expensive purchase in a retailers money-off sale. You have to be sure the sale really is a sale and not a creative marketing strategy of the store to encourage you to spend your money without thinking. Once you have researched the true price of a product (any product) you are in a good position to take advantage of a sale, special offer or discount and really save money. "Buy one get one free", "50% off", and "Huge Discount" will only help you save money if the actual price you pay is lower than you would pay somewhere else for exactly the same product.

  • Save Money Tip 5
  • Buy used. Sure, we all like to buy new. But there are huge money savings to be made in buying used. Typically cars lose one-third of their value in the first 24 months from new. Why not buy a car 24 months old? Other items such as clothes can be worth even less just the day after new. Look for ways to buy "as good as new" items and save money. Typical products you might consider buying used to save money include: cars, clothes, electrical goods, garden items... tools and sheds, household items... pots and pans, the list of used goods where you can save money is endless.

  • Save Money Tip 6
  • Don't carry excessive debt. Some debt in our lives may be essential. We may need a mortgage to purchase a home, we may need to use our credit card to make purchases until pay-day, but your aim to save money should be to have as little debt as possible. Credit Card deb is typically the most expensive debt we may carry. You will be able to save money every month if you make it an absolute rule to pay off your outstanding balance every month. If you can have the discipline to do this you will save money by effectively having no debt, and thus no interest charge on your credit card(s).

  • Save Money Tip 7
  • Save Money. No, I mean really save some money. Each week or each month get into the habit of putting an amount, however small into your savings. You could start by saving a very small fixed amount each time and then move to putting in larger amounts once you begin to save money from your other money saving strategies. You will find that by saving money on a regular basis you will quickly build up a store of reserve money and also feel motivated to save more. The hardest part is to take the first step and start saving money - so START TODAY and save some money NOW! If you find it impossible to save money once you have it, consider having money deducted from your paycheck direct each month. This can be a great way to save money rapidly as once it is set up you will not notice it is being collected and your savings will grow with no more effort from you.

  • Save Money Tip 8
  • Shop Wisely. Consider markets, superstores, farmer's markets, local shops, marts and stores. Anywhere is worth checking out to see if you can save money. Farmer's Markets can be particularly good places to save money. Typically you are buying direct from the producer of the product so the savings are passed on to you. Use your bulk buying strategy here - farmer's markets often offer opportunities to save money by buying larger quantities of staples, for instance potatoes, rice or corn. Save money and shop wisely

  • Save Money Tip 9
  • Eat in rather than out. This is a huge area where you can save money. A cup of coffee taken out could easily cost you TWENTY times (or more) what it would cost you to make it at home. So think before you drink when you are out. Eating is the same. Fast food restaurants are counting on you eating food that you perhaps don't really need at that time but buy just because it is quick. Why not wait until you get home and have a more nutritious meal and save money at the same time.
  • Save Money Tip 10
  • Use less. This money saving tip is a lesson we all need to learn. We live in a consumer society where waste is a huge problem. If we could all use and consume less there would be less waste, less power consumption, and the benefits for you are SAVING MONEY. Consider using less shampoo when you wash your hair, this may not mean washing your hair less effectively it means not flushing the excess shampoo and your money down the drain. What about saving on heating? Turn the thermostat down or put on extra clothes when you are cold. Turn off lights, the TV and the computer when they are not in use. Each little saving you make will build up and enable you to save money. Huge savings in energy can be made which will save you money and be good for our planet and the other people on it.

Unforgettable Experience

It was nearly September when Sir. Alima announced that we will going to have our own movie.I felt excited but nervous, because I don't know how to act!...
Well, when the day comes I was so nervous and scared because its my first time to act with people looking at me. I look horrible in the camera. I can't even look at myself. But when the days had passed, I felt comfortable with it. I felt comfortable with people looking at me. In that project that we made, I think its not just the grades but it also developed new friendships, bonds of different kinds of people. In that time, I've known them completely, not just the outside but also the inside of their hearts. It makes me feel happy of knowing new people, not just how they look, but also how they feel.
Well, you know how I feel when we made our own movie. Know, let me tell you about it. Ours is a Horror movie, yup, sounds scary, but no, its quite fun, on the taping days. Well, its entitled GAME OF DEATH. Scary isn't it?. Blanche Coleen made that title. And I think its a good one.
Our movie revolves around high school friends whose going to have their reunion in Pampanga( Social). Their going to live in this modern house but, the house has its own story. a girl named Mela died in the same place. And of course, the 6 friends decided to live there because they don't have any choice. On the night, they got bored so they decided to play Spirit of the Glass, it was just for fun, but instead of having a good laugh they got a good scare. They disturbed the soul of the poor girl and on that time they were haunted by her spirit.
Its getting a lil' scary here, typing. But got to continue this. Well, after that night, they want to forget about it, but the spirit keeps disturbng them. When they decided to go home, the can't get out of the house, and that's when the killing begin(.hehheh) They where seperated by they're screams, trish(me), Nicole (Geodelyn). Carla (Blanche) and Alvin(Raymond). And Naru(Angek) and Patrick(Mynard). After their horrendous adventure had ended, Patrick and Trish died, they were killed by Mela. And the others, they were saved by Mela's twin, Nene. She tell them the story behind the killing of her sister. She said that Mela was a wonderful girl but got blind because of her unending love for Ryan. But this boy have seperated his heart into two. The other was for Mela but other is for Marie, the girl who have loved Ryan more than his life, but Ryan's love for Mela was stronger. So Marie decided to kill Mela just to get what she wants. She let Mela think that Ryan was the one who killed her,that's why she's kiling people. So The 4 friends, together with Nene, Contact the spirit of Mela, the 4 asked forgiveness and Nene tell her sister the real story. After she found out, she left the 4, but continue onn searching for the boy he loved and for the girl, she hate most.
That's the end of my own version of our story, Hope you got scared and enjoyed on reading it!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Saturday, August 1, 2009

.Meet my Family.

Each person in this world has their own inspiration in life. Me? as a girl with a dream have its own. Those persons that I'm referring to is my family. My dear family that have been with me through everything. In my happiness and in my sadness and through every challenges that I have encountered in my life. Their there to support and give all the love that nothing I couldn't ever repay with.
And now let me introduce you to my dear family. My mom, who is one of the strongest woman that lived on earth.who is like a wonder woman in her job, my mama , Jo Ann Uriarte Prado. I call her my wonder mom because of all the challenges that come in her life, and one of those challenges is taking care of me and my lil' brother. She worked in the provincial hospital and helped millions of patients in this town. She was born on Dec. 28,1967 in the little town yet peaceful Lanuza. Where my decesed grandpa lived before.She lived witha wonderful life before as Jo Ann Lopez Uriarte with her 5 siblings, my tito jimbo, mammy janine, tito jay and ate cha2. They are all sons and daughters of my grandparents, my tatay who is now with God our Father, Herminio Culiao uriarte or tatay Ming form me.And My Nanay Lita who is now living happliy in his old yet intresting home.
Next is my papa, yes, my wonderful that have done everything to give us everything. He is named by my grandparents, Tatay baloy and Nanay linda by Allan Pimentel Prado. They lived in a town called Aras-asan, Cagwait S.D.S with my titas, Mommy Alma, Tita Alona, Tita Arlene and Tita Angie. My papa took his first glimpse of this world on the month of March and in the year of 1963 in the big old house in Sumo-Sumo, Tago S.D.S wher my grandparents live before. I describe my papa as a strong and a happy go lucky kind of persons, because in every little things he always find happiness with it. He always love to take care of my lil' brother and do a lot of things with him. we somehow alike because we always love to go some other place that have a nice scenery and a have a hteme of peacefulness.
No other big sister will ever live without his crazy li' brother. Me? I have one. he's name is Nathaniel Uriarte Prado. Or we call him Nikkos, Doy2 and Nat2. Yes! he have a lot of nicknames and that's because of me ,but, that's another story. Let's focus on this one now. Well as I've mention , my lil' crazy yet cute brother have lived in this huge world and i mean huge world for about 6 years now. he's old isn't he?!. Well, he's born on sept 11, 2003 which is year of the monkey. That's why he somehow looks like a monkey! Not literally but he have some attitude problems. But he's kinda like a boy with an attitude of a grown up. He really loves watching tv, with Mr. Bean on it of course. But, this crazy kid have its own brain, he can operate the computer as fast as a grown up can, even if when he was still 4 years old. With the computer he loves playing games and games and a lot more. But with all those craziness in his head and that makes me mad, he always have a big place in my heart.
Now you guys have met my dear family, my mom, dad, my brother and everything now let me introduce you to my other family, my friends. They're my classmates when i was still in elementary. For me, they're my family because even if we aren't connected by blood we are connected by heart. we are like brothers and sisters. We do a lot of things together, go to the beach, hang out wherever and a lot more, more.Even if now we're in high school we always find contact with each other. For me, they are everything. In every smile they gave to me. my day will be complete and my world will be as wonderful as ever be.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Ambition in Life

There are a lot of things I want to achieve in my life. As a child I Want to make my family happy and proud of me. I want to do the things that can make me happy and my family aswell.. Someday I want to become a successful lady that can help a lot of people in different ways.
When I was still a kid, I want to become a nurse, just like my mom. I want to share with her all the things that she and I love. But when I grow older, I want to do many things, I want to become a flight attendant, a journalist and a physical therapist. With all those things I can't make up my mind.
Their is one thing that can never change in my list. That thing is to travel around the world. I want to discover many things. I want to learn the culture of every country in the world. I want to know the odd things that every country do. But if one day I can do all those things I will never forget to thank my family, their the one who inspired me to discover many things. And most especially God, without him I wount be doing the things that I do love the most.^-^