Thursday, October 22, 2009

Unforgettable Experience

It was nearly September when Sir. Alima announced that we will going to have our own movie.I felt excited but nervous, because I don't know how to act!...
Well, when the day comes I was so nervous and scared because its my first time to act with people looking at me. I look horrible in the camera. I can't even look at myself. But when the days had passed, I felt comfortable with it. I felt comfortable with people looking at me. In that project that we made, I think its not just the grades but it also developed new friendships, bonds of different kinds of people. In that time, I've known them completely, not just the outside but also the inside of their hearts. It makes me feel happy of knowing new people, not just how they look, but also how they feel.
Well, you know how I feel when we made our own movie. Know, let me tell you about it. Ours is a Horror movie, yup, sounds scary, but no, its quite fun, on the taping days. Well, its entitled GAME OF DEATH. Scary isn't it?. Blanche Coleen made that title. And I think its a good one.
Our movie revolves around high school friends whose going to have their reunion in Pampanga( Social). Their going to live in this modern house but, the house has its own story. a girl named Mela died in the same place. And of course, the 6 friends decided to live there because they don't have any choice. On the night, they got bored so they decided to play Spirit of the Glass, it was just for fun, but instead of having a good laugh they got a good scare. They disturbed the soul of the poor girl and on that time they were haunted by her spirit.
Its getting a lil' scary here, typing. But got to continue this. Well, after that night, they want to forget about it, but the spirit keeps disturbng them. When they decided to go home, the can't get out of the house, and that's when the killing begin(.hehheh) They where seperated by they're screams, trish(me), Nicole (Geodelyn). Carla (Blanche) and Alvin(Raymond). And Naru(Angek) and Patrick(Mynard). After their horrendous adventure had ended, Patrick and Trish died, they were killed by Mela. And the others, they were saved by Mela's twin, Nene. She tell them the story behind the killing of her sister. She said that Mela was a wonderful girl but got blind because of her unending love for Ryan. But this boy have seperated his heart into two. The other was for Mela but other is for Marie, the girl who have loved Ryan more than his life, but Ryan's love for Mela was stronger. So Marie decided to kill Mela just to get what she wants. She let Mela think that Ryan was the one who killed her,that's why she's kiling people. So The 4 friends, together with Nene, Contact the spirit of Mela, the 4 asked forgiveness and Nene tell her sister the real story. After she found out, she left the 4, but continue onn searching for the boy he loved and for the girl, she hate most.
That's the end of my own version of our story, Hope you got scared and enjoyed on reading it!