Saturday, February 6, 2010

Feb 2-7.2010 ( char-char days.)

Feb 2-7, 2010 char char days. I don't know why I call it char char, gusto ko lang. Anywayz, what happen to me these couple days? Well, I don't; know! Just usual everyday routine. But their is one thing we always do in school every after last period, its PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!. We've been practicing for our speech choir this coming feb. 9, I think, I'm not sure of the date but It will going to be this week. It is for welcoming the regional director. I'm pretty tired, but it is always worth it.
Last Feb 3 I encoded my "diary" here in my blog, it was pretty long enough to save it, I think it was consist of 3-4 paragraphs. But in the middle of my thinking and encoding, the screen went black. it turned off. I was sooo angry ,that I didn't encode again my diary. I think the virus was behind those insane things, maybe one of these days I'm gonna ask someone to fix the computer, but not know I'm to busy....=))
Feb 5 was the provincial meet held in the oval, there were no class for the rest for he school but the I-Fleming was in their classroom cleaning. We thought Ma'am Irong was going to coduct her class so we just decided to clean the room before she conduct her class. But good thing, Ma'am said that we can watch the opening program in the oval and so we did. Who would want to to sit down in the classroom answering some activities while other students was their having fun? Not me.
Yesterday, me and my classmates were in the beach. I don't know what got into them that they decided that we go to the beach. Well our plan was 6 in the morning so I woke up 6:10. I went to Mabua 6: 30. When I got their none of my classmates were their. Do I decided to wait for couple of minutes, but nobody came. So I decided to go home, since there were no tricycle i that time, I walked. When I was on the highway, Ara saw me and I got to their car and we drove to some of our classmate's house.And when everybody was their, we decided to go to the beach!...! And that's waht happened to me yesterday... Dat's all BOW.. =))

Monday, February 1, 2010

A day to remember( not really). :))

February 1, 2010. 1st day of the so called Month of hearts, Valentines Day..Well, I don't have my Valentine and not planning to have one. Anywayz, my day started as the usual, typical boring days that I always have, take a bath, eat, go to school. Just like that, as usual. Well, I go to school in a lazy Monday morning late, again, as usual. But the good thing is we have our Flag ceremony after weeks without having one. Well, 7:30-9:00 Gen Sci with Ma'am Irong and we are having simple machines and I have again stage fright, with all those eyes staring, listening, watching,scary. Well good thing I finished reporting in front without throwing up my breakfast. After, i was soo scary coz' I didn't memorize The Preamble good thing Ma'am Ajos was pretty busy all the week(wohoo!), maybe because of the election coming up, I think.My morning ended up without Ma'am Isidro but his practice teacher was their having reading comprehension.
Afternoon. Sir. Alima wasn't their( hi Sir.!) and we thought Earth Sci and Mape was the only subject that we are having that afternun but Sir. Dimacuha conducted his class, Math. The subject that I'm pretty dum at. But it turns up well. Then the afternoon continued with Earth Sci and Mape with the continuation of our reporting and at last I'm going home! HOME!HOME!HOME! I was pretty excited going home and I don't know why. Well I got home riding the tricycle with Queenie and Angelea because they are going to Sarah Cake to buy a cake for Shanna , it was her B-day. ( Happi Bday!) After that, I'm in front of the computer, facebook, farmville. My everyday routine. And I remembered that I'm going to write in my blog. And now, I'm writing it. That's my Feb 1,2010 day. That's all Tanchoo...tomorrow na lang...