Saturday, August 22, 2009


Saturday, August 1, 2009

.Meet my Family.

Each person in this world has their own inspiration in life. Me? as a girl with a dream have its own. Those persons that I'm referring to is my family. My dear family that have been with me through everything. In my happiness and in my sadness and through every challenges that I have encountered in my life. Their there to support and give all the love that nothing I couldn't ever repay with.
And now let me introduce you to my dear family. My mom, who is one of the strongest woman that lived on earth.who is like a wonder woman in her job, my mama , Jo Ann Uriarte Prado. I call her my wonder mom because of all the challenges that come in her life, and one of those challenges is taking care of me and my lil' brother. She worked in the provincial hospital and helped millions of patients in this town. She was born on Dec. 28,1967 in the little town yet peaceful Lanuza. Where my decesed grandpa lived before.She lived witha wonderful life before as Jo Ann Lopez Uriarte with her 5 siblings, my tito jimbo, mammy janine, tito jay and ate cha2. They are all sons and daughters of my grandparents, my tatay who is now with God our Father, Herminio Culiao uriarte or tatay Ming form me.And My Nanay Lita who is now living happliy in his old yet intresting home.
Next is my papa, yes, my wonderful that have done everything to give us everything. He is named by my grandparents, Tatay baloy and Nanay linda by Allan Pimentel Prado. They lived in a town called Aras-asan, Cagwait S.D.S with my titas, Mommy Alma, Tita Alona, Tita Arlene and Tita Angie. My papa took his first glimpse of this world on the month of March and in the year of 1963 in the big old house in Sumo-Sumo, Tago S.D.S wher my grandparents live before. I describe my papa as a strong and a happy go lucky kind of persons, because in every little things he always find happiness with it. He always love to take care of my lil' brother and do a lot of things with him. we somehow alike because we always love to go some other place that have a nice scenery and a have a hteme of peacefulness.
No other big sister will ever live without his crazy li' brother. Me? I have one. he's name is Nathaniel Uriarte Prado. Or we call him Nikkos, Doy2 and Nat2. Yes! he have a lot of nicknames and that's because of me ,but, that's another story. Let's focus on this one now. Well as I've mention , my lil' crazy yet cute brother have lived in this huge world and i mean huge world for about 6 years now. he's old isn't he?!. Well, he's born on sept 11, 2003 which is year of the monkey. That's why he somehow looks like a monkey! Not literally but he have some attitude problems. But he's kinda like a boy with an attitude of a grown up. He really loves watching tv, with Mr. Bean on it of course. But, this crazy kid have its own brain, he can operate the computer as fast as a grown up can, even if when he was still 4 years old. With the computer he loves playing games and games and a lot more. But with all those craziness in his head and that makes me mad, he always have a big place in my heart.
Now you guys have met my dear family, my mom, dad, my brother and everything now let me introduce you to my other family, my friends. They're my classmates when i was still in elementary. For me, they're my family because even if we aren't connected by blood we are connected by heart. we are like brothers and sisters. We do a lot of things together, go to the beach, hang out wherever and a lot more, more.Even if now we're in high school we always find contact with each other. For me, they are everything. In every smile they gave to me. my day will be complete and my world will be as wonderful as ever be.